Monday, 12 March 2012

Be inspired, dine, enjoy art & conversation

Better than Good will be hosting a series of talks where guest artists will be invited to explore the subject of the human figure and demonstrate how it is used in their artistic discipline to express and promote their people and its values.

To launch the Figure Black series, jewellery maker and designer Ehwunah, and dance/choreographer H Patten, will make the first presentations.

The first talk takes place on Thursday 29 March 2012 at 6.30pm at the Veranda Restaurant Cocktail Bar & Art Gallery where guests will be treated to dinner by the in house Caribbean chef prior to the artists’ presentation. A Q&A session will follow.

Tickets cost £25.00 per person (includes dinner) and will be on sale from Wednesday 7 March 2012. Spaces are limited, so hurry to avoid disappointment, the last event at Veranda was a sell-out. for a booking form today.

BTG is a collaboration between Alexandra Galleries, Yahw Arts & Kofiarts

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